Monday, February 1, 2010

Ack--Too Much Life Lately

Well, I have had a couple of nice smoothies this last week, a good apple oatmeal, some giant salads, and a beautiful array of fresh fruit (kiwis, blueberries, strawberries, cara cara oranges, excellent apples, etc.). But I've also had some large distractions (death in the extended family, severe illness in the nearer extended family, potential trips to other states in blizzard weather, and a significant job offer [see 2/1/10]). And then there are other difficulties nearer home, nearer my heart, that I'd rather not mention here.

In any case I've been distracted and distressed, excited and over-extended, and I just haven't been able to be systematic about my eating. And yesterday I was just simply in comfort mode, not consistent with nutritarian principles (though I know that real nurture is more consistent with nutritarian principles). But I just cannot do it all. So here I am to say that for the next stretch of time, I will be content with myself to post when I come across just the right inspiration for a great nutritarian meal or dish, and I'll share that then.

Thanks for reading!

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